Marketing Strategy

“You should never go to battle
before you’ve won the war on paper”
- Philip Kotler


This workshop takes directors and managers, with sound marketing knowledge through a detailed analysis of the marketing strategy procedure and enables them to build a competitive positioning strategy for their company.

Objectives & Benefits

Participants will be able to:

  • Gain insights into the new marketing environment and related concepts
  • Obtain a basic grasp of customer needs and demands in the new digital era
  • Understand the concept of customer experience journey
  • Gain an understanding of the fundamental tools for the marketing strategy and the related issues
  • Understand the steps for the strategic positioning of products, services & brands
  • Analyze and build the positioning of their own company’s products / services & brand

Workshop Outline

DURATION: 8 hours
The New Era: 4Es

- ZMOT / WoM
- Experience
- Exchange
- Everyplace
- Evangelism
- Customer Experience


- Porter’s 5 Forces
- SWOT Analysis
- Porter’s Generic Strategies


- Considerations
- Ideal Segment Characteristics
- Basic Segmentation Types
- Segmentation Matrix Battle Map


- Mass Marketing
- Multi Segment
- Single Segment


- Positioning Concepts
- Positioning Statement
- Positioning Process
- Positioning Map
- Competitive Positioning Strategies