Beyond Coaching, Mentoring

Championing for performance improvement


Mentoring is a process of building workplace relationships to empower individuals to develop personal and professional abilities, achieve performance goals at increasingly higher levels, and make progress toward their career goals. The 16-hour workshop provides a systematic approach to understanding and influencing mentees, a new plan for dealing with someone you need to influence now and a methodology for reducing personal stress. Participants will be able to demonstrate an authentic commitment of time, energy, planning and resources to mentoring.

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Objectives & Benefits

For Mentor/Manager/ Organization:

  • Improve organizational performance
  • Achieve organizational goals
  • Build a learning organization
  • Grow the business

Program Outline

Developing a Mentoring Mindset

- What is “mentoring”? Benefits of mentoring
- Characteristics and core competencies of effective mentors
- From performance management to performance empowerment

Mentoring Communication Style

- Persona communication style matrix
- Basic needs of each style & Behaviors associated with each style
- Influencing others / Making decisions /Reacting to stress

Trust, Empathy, & Flexibility

- The Persona trust model
- Four elements of trust
- Ability for trust building

Performance Improvement: Coaching & Counseling

- S.M.A.R.T. goals
- Motivating each style
- The importance of feedback and how to give feedback
- How to minimize the weaknesses of each style

Performance Improvement: Teaching, Role Modeling & Championing

- The learning process / How each style uses time
- Questioning Problem solving
- Persona trust model Championing

Mentoring Effectiveness

- Traditional management vs. performance empowerment
- The manager’s changing mentors role